Sally Campbell

10 of the Top Grossing Production Companies in 2020

There are hundreds of movie production companies out there – some of which we hear of regularly, and we can picture the logo in our head when someone says the name. But others are small, independent production companies that we will never know exist. To give us an idea of who’s at the very top, […]

Sally Campbell

5 of the Most Anticipated Films of 2023

With a new year encroaching, talk of the most anticipated films of 2023 is beginning to flood the media. One reason some films are talked about more than others? Good Public Relations.  After looking through different media platforms, I can see which films get the most attention. In this post, I will introduce 5 of […]

Sally Campbell

5 PR Components Used Across the Film Industry

Over the last several weeks, I have referenced multiple PR components of the film industry. All of the mentioned components in my past posts are important to the ideas conveyed, but, with the exception of the news release, they are never the star of the post. This is why I wanted to dedicate this post […]

Sally Campbell

How to Differentiate PR from Marketing

As the world of strategic communication expands and becomes more influential, people aren’t always fully aware of what is happening on the producer side of goods and services. It isn’t uncommon to hear “PR and marketing go hand in hand.” And yes, this is true, but not to be confused with them being the same […]

Sally Campbell

The First Post: Setting the Scene

Welcome! As a student nearing the end of my studies in public relations and having an ever-growing love for the film industry, I wanted to create a platform where I could merge those two things.  The film industry has always fascinated me, and before I went into undergrad, I thought about trying out cinema studies. […]