Jonathan Bernstein PR Campaign

A PR plan created for the brand launch of comedic folk musician, Jonathan Bernstein.

    • Works

In my final course at the University of Oregon, PR Campaigns, I worked in a small group to create a PR plan for a comedic folk musician looking to start a new career path. Jonathan Bernstein is from San Gabriel Valley, CA, and makes original comedic folk songs, and he turns old 80’s songs into parodies. In the 60s, he dreamed of being a folk musician, but he left this dream behind to take on a career in the PR industry. After retiring, he decided to give his music dreams another chance. My team crafted an extensive PR campaign for him to launch his brand as Jonathan Bernstein, the comedic folk musician. My team worked closely with Bernstein, meeting once a week, to ensure we had a firm grasp on what he was looking for in our work. In this plan, we covered all elements that go into a traditional PR plan, including research, key audiences, key messages, goal statements, objectives, strategies, and tactics. We also helped him to get a headstart on executing this plan by creating some of his deliverables, such as a business card, posters, and a website.

Jonathan Bernstein PR Plan