Code of Ethics

  1. I will only share information that is truthful, making clear distinctions and disclosure between facts and opinions
  2. I will give credit when and where it is deserved when using any words or ideas that are not original to my work
  3. I will write and publish posts that have my readers’ best interest in mind through honest and accurate information
  4. I will respond to questions and comments when it is justifiable, and I will do so with respect
  5. I will own up to my mistakes if they get made
  6. I will make a conscious effort to avoid jargon to make my posts as understandable and accessible as possible
  7. I will do thorough research on the topics I write about to be as effective of a communicator as I can
  8. I will refer back to the PRSA Code of Ethics if and when I feel that I need help making an ethical decision