Sally Campbell

The First Post: Setting the Scene

Welcome! As a student nearing the end of my studies in public relations and having an ever-growing love for the film industry, I wanted to create a platform where I could merge those two things. 

The film industry has always fascinated me, and before I went into undergrad, I thought about trying out cinema studies. After some thought, I realized I had a much stronger urge to get into the communication field. However, since then, I have pondered ways to use my journalism and communication education to be immersed in a creative field, but as a strategic figure. 

This upcoming spring, I will earn my bachelor of science in public relations. It is my goal to take my knowledge of modern strategic communication and bring it with me into the entertainment industry. 

Entertainment, whether it be film, music, or books, has always been a forefront focus of mine. When I began my studies at the University of Oregon as a public relations major, I still focused on these things, but I saw and understood more of the working parts of these industries. Beforehand, when a new movie would come out, I would be interested in when it came out, who was in it, and who directed it. Now, still interested in those things, I am equally as intrigued to see how these things get conveyed to the target audience – how did the creators of the film market the release date? How did the actors in the film announce their roles on their social media platforms? What agencies are interviewing the cast and crew, and what are they asking? What does the poster for the film look like, and what information does it include? 

Cast lists, posters, trailers, press releases, and more are important for the film’s success before anyone even watches the movie. I want to unpack this aspect of the industry. I want to take a critical look from a public relations lens at the film industry and gain a clear understanding of the role that PR has, and how much it dictates the future of a film.

Over the next few months, I will publish two blog posts per week, honing in on different sectors of PR concerning the film industry. To carefully craft each of these posts, I will research the topics to gain as much expertise as I can. I will aim to give you all clear and concise posts that make it possible for you to learn what I am learning, but in a way where you can bypass the hassle of weeding through different journals and articles to find the most helpful information.

Every week will look a little bit different, and in each post, I plan to provide you with fresh new takeaways on PR and film. I am excited to dive into this new endeavor and share my knowledge with you!

2 replies on “The First Post: Setting the Scene”

I can’t wait for this blog! I love movies but the business of making and promoting them has changed.

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